Regular Meeting – August 7, 2012


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Co-Chairman George Owen at 1600 hours.  Members present: Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams.  Member absent: Larry Helsley.  Others present: Chief Alvord, District Clerk Sheila Brewer.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting July 3, 2012

B.      Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss /Approve – 2012/13 Preliminary Budget – Chief Alvord presented the preliminary budget for 2012/13, it was discussed in detail. MSC: Williams/Potter to approve the preliminary budget as presented.

B.     Discuss/Approve – One invoice to be filed with small claims court – Chief Alvord reported there is one invoice to go to small claims court.  He explained the claim is from a traffic accident that occurred in December 2011.  The claim has been submitted to the insurance company with no response.  A motion was made by Commissioner Potter to go ahead with the small claims court filing.  MSC: Potter/Britton

Chief Alvord also explained the last small claims hearing resulted in the district       receiving a judgment against the responsible party.  So far we have not received    any payments.



            A.  Hazardous Reduction Progress Report:

             -    No report, the program has been put on hold until after fire season.

            B.   Fire Chief/Marshal Report:

             -    Chief Alvord spoke about the different types of plan checks he has done in the last month.  He is suggesting that the district might have a variable rate for plan       checks, for instance for decks and storage sheds, compared to house plans or       additions. This idea was discussed among the commissioners.

            -     Chief Alvord conducted a re-inspection at the mill; they are doing a good job.    He also conducted an inspection at Behavioral Health.

            -     The chief explained that he spent three days on the Flat Fire in Del Loma as a       strike team leader.  Two of our firefighters, Richard Miller and Kane Edwards       were sent with the water tender.  The chief advised he received favorable       feedback on their professionalism.

            -     Commissioner Bill Britton went to the Mill Fire in the Mendocino National       Forest.

            -     Engine 2131 covered the Weaverville Forest Service for one day.  We may be       called again because of the many fires burning now. 

            -     There was a structure fire on Forest; the responders did a good job to contain the       fire to the deck area and part of the garage.

            -     There was a grass fire on Oregon St. caused by a bird flying into the power lines.        We got on that quick and kept it to a minimum.

            -     Chief Alvord explained that he has been checking the hydrants with the junior       firefighters that are working under the Workability Program; they have about 2/3       of the hydrants done.  Two hydrants needed work; about five needed the weeds       cleared away.  The water department has been putting new valve seats in some of       them.  Scott explained that the district owns the hydrants, it is unknown if we will be receiving a bill from the water company.

            -     Four firefighters were sent to Hayfork for an auto extrication training.  There       were a few problems with the Hurst Tool; Hurst came out and provided training       on maintenance.

            -     Gus has been getting the paperwork taken care of for the explorer program.        There are many benefits to establishing an explorer post, such as training and       insurance. Currently we have 10 signed up.

            -     We had five junior firefighters participate in the EMS Teen Challenge; it was       good training for them.

            -     Tops had a BBQ Challenge as a fund raiser for the Fire Chief’s Association.

            -     We had a birthday party at the fire hall on Saturday; it had been an auction item at       the Rotary Chinese New Year.  The woman who had won the party was so       appreciative she donated $100.00 to the association. 

            -     The 4th of July went very well.  The commissioners commented on how nice the       department personnel and equipment looked in the parade.

            -     OES wanted to audit the mutual aid system, the reimbursable rates were audited.       Most of the fire departments they looked at had done them incorrectly.  District       Clerk Marjie Watkins and Chief Alvord watched a Webinar on the California       Fire Assistance Agreement Rates and Reimbursement.  He advised we are       in good shape we are using the correct amounts.

            -     Chief Alvord explained that he found that the foam system in 2131 needs some       work.  When the foam was checked it was found that two tanks were empty, they       have been refilled.  He will be looking into the repairs.

            C   Sleeper Report – Station 21 Sleeper, Ernie Curran has been gone on fires, the       juniors have been taking care of the station maintenance. Station 22 Sleeper,       Kane Edwards has been taking care of the station when he is not working for       TCLS. 

            D. Committee Reports:

                  1.         Recruitment Committee: No report.

                  2          Collections Committee: See Section III B.

                  3.         Contract Committee: No report

                  4.         Tuition Committee: No Report

                  5.         Budget Committee: See Section III A


      Item of immediate need – Chief Alvord explained that we received a request for the use of our hall and our Bingo equipment this afternoon.  He is requesting it be considered at this meeting since the event date is after the next board meeting.  Vice Chair, George Owen explained we will need a motion to hear the immediate need at this time. Commissioner Williams made a motion to hear the immediate need issue at this meeting.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Potter.  Chief Alvord explained that the Trinity County Sheriff’s Department Relay for Life Team was going to have a dunk booth at the fair, but were unable to afford the required insurance.  They now want to have a Bingo event, and use our hall and Bingo equipment.  Because of the “no gambling” rule for the fire hall a variance is needed for them to have the Bingo here.  The commissioners discussed the request.  Vice Chairman George Owen called for a vote, 1 yes and 2 no, the board voted to decline the request.


            E    Directors Report

                  Commissioner Williams – No report

            Commissioner Owen - Presented a memo from Dick Berrien regarding Engine 3.  He feels the engine looks better than it has ever looked.  He would like to know what the board feels about continuing the work on the engine.  The question was discussed; no decision was decided at this time.

            Commissioner Britton – No report

            Commissioner Potter – No report


V               PUBLIC COMMENT:  None


VI              Correspondence- A letter has been received from Matson & Isom, the business hired to complete the district audit. The letter basically explains the procedures they use and the specific items they are looking at.  It was noted that the auditor will want to interview one of the commissioners regarding the audit; this will most likely be at the end of September. 


VII             Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1445 hours.




__________________________                               _______________________

   George Owen, Co-Chairman                                  Sheila Brewer, Clerk